Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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NJStar(tm) - A Chinese Word Processor Version 2.1+
This Manual is Written by Huijie Chen & Hongbo Ni
Copyright (C) Hongbo Ni 1991-1992. All Rights Reserved.
For details of new commands and features after V2.0, please refer to file
This Software license contains of three sections. Please read it carefully.
The term "NJStar Owner" refers to Hongbo Ni and Hongbo Data Systems only.
Section I.
This section is applicable to both NJStar Shareware Version and NJStar
Registered Version.
1.1 NJStar is not and has never been public domain software, nor is it free
software. It is NJStar owner's property.
1.2 No one may modify or patch the NJStar executable files in any way,
including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise
reverse engineering the program.
1.3 The use of NJStar, except for the initial 30-day trial, requires
registration. The use of unlicensed copies of NJStar by any person,
business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly
Section II.
This section is applicable to NJStar Shareware Version.
2.1 Any use of NJStar Shareware Version is the implication of a user's
acceptance of the terms and conditions listed in this license.
2.2 Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use NJStar
Shareware Version on a 30-day trial basis for the purpose of determining
whether NJStar is suitable for their needs.
2.3 A limited license is granted to copy and distribute NJStar only for the
trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the
A) NJStar must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file
containing this license information and the file containing
registration information.
B) The full machine-readable NJStar documentation must be also
included with each copy.
C) NJStar may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product
without a specific license to do so from the author.
D) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted,
except as authorized below:
a) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may
make NJStar available for downloading only as long as the
above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge
for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long
as there is not a specific charge for the download of NJStar.
b) Vendors may distribute NJStar only after obtaining written
permission from the Author. Such permission is usually
granted. Please write for details (enclose your catalog).
Vendors may charge a disk duplication and handling fee, which,
when pro-rated to the NJStar product, may not exceed six
Section III.
This section is applicable to NJStar Registered Version.
3.1 User's request for registration for NJStar Registered Version is the
implication of a user's acceptance of the terms and conditions listed in
this license.
3.2 A single user license permits a user to use NJStar only on a single
computer. Licensed user may use the program on different computers,
but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time.
Multiple user license requires special permission.
3.3 A personal user license permits a user to use NJStar primarily for "HOME
USE" purpose. Licensed user may use the program at office setting for
10% or less of daily working hours. Organizational user license
requires special permission.
3.4 User's registration for NJStar Registered Version is a purchase for the
right to use NJStar only under the term and conditions listed in this
license. At no circumstance, licensed users are allowed to copy or
resell their licenses or NJStar product to the third party.
3.5 When upgrade to a newer version of NJStar, user's license for the
previous version are automatically suspended. At no circumstance,
licensed users are allowed to transfer or resell their licenses or
NJStar product for the previous version to the third party.
NOTE: The text of this license is also listed in file NJSTAR.INF. For a
complete text of NJStar's LIMITED WARRANTY, please see NJSTAR.INF.
This manual covers complete information to run NJStar 2.0 Shareware Version
and Registered Version. However, registered user will also get a copy of
NJSTAR Manual in Chinese, which has more details and examples. This manual
is written for experienced computer users only, while the Chinese manual is
written for both beginners and experienced users.
This manual contains following parts,
1. NJStar Overview
2. Program Usage
3. Menu and Help
4. File Management
5. Cursor Movement
6. File Editing
7. Search and Replace
8. Block Operation
9. Inputting Chinese
10. Macros Commands
11. Printing and File Conversion
Appendix 1: List of NJStar Configurable Functions
Appendix 2: List of NJStar Key Names
Appendix 3: Summary of NJStar Location-Sensitive Mouse Functions
Appendix 4: Table of Contents of Chinese Manual
Please notice the following points for this manual.
1. This manual is organized similar to the NJStar's menu tree. All
functions are grouped as with they are listed in the main menu.
Functions that do not appear in the main menu will be grouped into
related parts too.
2. Each function includes a brief explanation. The related information are
also presented under each functions. For instance, PinYin input method
for Chinese characters is described under the Function of PYInput.
3. NJStar's configurable function names are presented with <> signs.
NJStar's standard key names are presented with [] signs.
4. This manual is in GB format, containing some Chinese characters. User
may view the files in NJStar. When viewing with other English editors,
all English characters can be viewed properly, although Chinese
characters are scrabbled.
5. This manual may not be able to be printed properly with English editor.
6. This manual is in two files, this file and NJSTAR2.DOC.
Please also see file NJSTAR.INF for more information.
This section presents an overview of NJStar 2.0, as well as some concepts
that will be used in the following part of this manual.
User may start NJStar from any DOS prompt, if the NJStar's subdirectory is in
the system path statement. NJStar also provides a full range of command line
options, for convenience of opening and editing files.
NJStar's interface includes both fully functional menu system and key-pressed
command system. All major functions are re-configurable, that is, capable to
be reassigned into user selected keys. NJStar provides a brief help screen
that can be used as a reminder of command keys. The help screen may be
rewritten by user too. Please also remember that NJStar's screen colors are
configurable, too.
After entering NJStar, the top 24 lines (18 lines for EGA monitors) are used
as the editing screen, that user can display and editing file there. The
bottom line is used for the following purposes at the most of time,
A) Displaying the current Chinese input mode;
B) Displaying LianXiang mode;
C) Accepting the Chinese input codes;
D) Displaying for Chinese characters that can be used for input;
E) Displaying Macro recording mode; and
F) Displaying Pure-Chinese mode.
And the bottom line may also be used for the following purposes when
A) Reporting file or system status;
B) Reporting operation results;
C) Reporting error messages; and
D) Accepting the operational variables.
Please notice, there are two different concepts of line in NJStar. One is
called "Screen Line," a line as shown in the screen. The other is "Hard
Line," a string ending with a [Return] character. Thus, A hard line is a
paragraph at many cases.
In NJStar, the maximum size of a single file is 64 K. However, NJStar can
edit multiple files simultaneously. If multiple files opened for editing,
the "File Ring" is established for file management. The file that displays
in the screen is known as "Current File." A file ring may looks like the
following diagram, with a counterclockwise order:
FILENAME.1 <----- Current File
/ \
/ \
/ \
FILENAME.2 ---------> FILENAME.3
When a new file opened, it will be added to the file ring, next to the
current file, and then the newly-opened file would be switched to the current
file. See the following diagram,
Current File ---> FILENAME.4 <-------- FILENAME.1
| ^
| |
v |
There is no limit of number of files in the file ring, as long as the
computer can provide efficient space to load the file. NJStar's file
management functions make it very easy to control a single file or a bunch of
files. In addition to those functions invoked by the user, NJStar can
automatically save current file to prevent any unexpected power interruption.
NJStar may also keep a .BAK file for the user when save the file.
When inputting Chinese characters, NJStar uses PinYin as the primary input
method. When user enters a PinYin code, NJStar will response one or a list
of match characters will appear in the bottom line. Then, user may select
the relevant character in order to enter it into the editing screen. The
traditional characters can be input in the same way as with simplified
Many useful features are developed to enhance the strength of PinYin input.
LianXiang, one of NJStar's the most outstanding features, works together with
PinYin, making PinYin input more effectively and efficiently. NJStar also
supports other popular input methods, such as GuoBiao, QuWeiMa, ASCII,
WuBiZiXing and CangJi. LianXiang works with other Chinese input methods too.
NJStar's editing functions, including cursor locating, text copying, moving,
deleting, as well as undeleting commands, make it possible to manipulate text
in the way user would prefer. Then, the complete block functions make those
editing tasks even easier, especially for exchanging data between multiple
files. NJStar's macros also add the possibility for user to create many
shortcuts for many tasks.
When printing, user doesn't need to leave NJStar. A file can be printed to 9
pin, 24 pin dot matrix printers, as well as laser printer within NJStar.
Meanwhile, NJStar's print format commands enable user to customize the page
layout whenever necessary. User may specify the range of the page number to
print and the destination of output devices for printing. A file can be
output in the simplified or traditional characters at user's choice, no
matter in what when the file was written. NJStar also provide many file
conversion capability.
Now, for more detailed description of NJStar's functions and operational
procedures, please read the following text.
This section describes NJStar's usage, as well as its command line options.
To invoke NJSTAR from the DOS prompt, first please make sure that NJSTAR
files (NJSTAR.EXE and other auxiliary files) are in the current subdirectory
or accessible through the system path statement. The following is a brief
presentation about NJSTAR usage and command line options:
NJSTAR [options] [filename, filename, ... filenames] [+linenum]
-?/h - Help information
-e - Use EGA 19 line display at VGA monitor
-v - Don't LianXiang (for RAM less than 450K)
-d - Automatically display a file until [Ctrl + C] pressed
-zW - Open zW encoded file, decode it after read
-Hz - Open Hz encoded file, decode it after read
-lmacro - Load Macro from file "macro.NJM" into macro buffer
-xmacro - Load Macro from file "macro.NJM" into macro buffer and
then execute the macro once
Filename: For any file(s) to be edited. More than one file name can be
entered at a command line. DOS wildcards, * or ?, can be used
as part of file name. The drive name and the full path can be
added to the file if necessary. If no file name entered,
NJStar will open an unnamed area for editing.
+linenum: [linenum] is an integer on which line the cursor will be
located after the file is opened. A line here is a string
ending with a [Return] character, not a screen line. If line
number is greater than maximum line number, the cursor will be
located at the end of the file. The special line number,
"+$", will bring the cursor to the end of the file, too. When
no line number entered, NJStar will display from the beginning
of the file.
C:\NJSTAR20> NJSTAR njstar.man +200 njstar +$
C:\NJSTAR20> NJSTAR *.doc *.txt
C:\NJSTAR20> NJSTAR -e njstar.doc
C:\NJSTAR20> NJSTAR -v *.tx?
Please notice that, among NJStar's auxiliary files, only font files can be
located at the location other than NJStar's subdirectory. If this is the
case, user need to use a DOS environmental variable, NJZK, to identify the
location of font files. For example, add the following line to user's
AUTOEXEC.BAT, if the font file is located at the subdirectory of C:\NJFONT,
This section describes NJStar's Menu and online Help. They are located under
"Help" in the main menu.
FUNCTION <Menu> [Shift + F1]
This function will call up NJStar's pull-down menu.
The following is the Menu Tree in English. For the limited space, some items
are abbreviated arbitrarily. However, NJStar's regular menu tree is in
Chinese. Please specify in user's registration order form for a version that
would display Menu and all prompts in English.
========= ========== ========= =========== ======== ========= ======== ======
EditFile Undelete MarkBlock Search PYInput MacroRec Print Help
SaveFile DelLine MarkLine SearchForwd ZYinput MicroExec SavePCX CopyRt
SaveAs DelToEndLn CopyBlock SearchBckwd GBInput SaveMacro zWEditFl
RenamFile DelToBegLn MoveBlock SearchReplc QWInput ReadMacro zWSaveFl
SaveBlock DupLine DelBlock Replace ASInput zWDecode
ListDir ---------- UnDelBlck ----------- EXInput HzEditFl
FileList FileStatus UnMarkBlk BegLine GetCode HzSaveFl
NextFile TimeDate GotoBlock EndLine AddLX HzDecode
PrevFile WordCount Copy PageUp DelLX
File Keyboard Paste PageDown LianXiang
SaveAll ToggleEOL BegFile SaveDic
QuitFile EndFile SwitchCCLIB
ExitAll GotoLine PureChinese
At ASCII mode, or in any Chinese input mode without Chinese to be selected in
the bottom line, user may press [Esc] to call up the menu.
Mouse user may use the mouse cursor pointing at the top line of the screen,
then click the mouse's left button once to call up the menu.
When the main menu displays, user may use the cursor keys or the mouse cursor
to select a main menu item. Then, user may press [Return], or click the left
mouse button once, to invoke that item, activating a pull-down submenu. User
may select a submenu item in the same way as with the main menu items. To
turn off the main menu, user may press [Esc] key, or click the left mouse
button once while the mouse cursor pointing to any location outside the
current menu area.
FUNCTION <QuickHelp> [F1]
This function will display NJSTAR's Quick Help screen. The content of
default help screen may be found at file NJCONFIG.HLP.
There are 24 lines in the help screen, with up to 80 characters in each line.
Only 18 Lines can be displayed on EGA screen at one time, but the rest 6
lines will be displayed after the first screen. If user has modified the
file NJCONFIG.HLP, or user wants to use his/her own help screen, it is needed
to run NJCONFIG.EXE in order to write new Help screen onto NJSTAR.EXE. A
help screen file can have 80 characters per line and up to 24 line in
maximum. It must be in ASCII format or GB format.
After viewing the help screen, user may press any key to go back to the
current editing screen.
This section describes NJStar's file management functions. All functions
listed here can be found under "File Management" in the top menu.
FUNCTION <ListDir> [Alt + F1]
This function will list files in a subdirectory, as well as the total file
number and free disk space. User may specify the drive, path, or file name,
if necessary. After viewing the directory, user may press any key to go back
to the editing screen.
FUNCTION <EditFile> [F8]
This function will open a user specified file on disk, and place it to the
File Ring after the current file. Then, NJStar will switch to the newly-
opened file and handle it as new current file.
When executing this function, NJStar would prompt user for file name. User
may enter file at the prompt, including the drive name and full path if
necessary. Alternatively, user may enter [F1] to list out all files in the
current directory in a pop-up directory menu, and then select file there with
cursor keys or the mouse, as with selecting a menu item. The pop-up
directory menu provides a handy way for user to navigate all disk drives.
Before switching to the newly-opened file, NJStar would check to see if the
current file is modified. User needs to confirm weather or not to save the
current file if any unsaved modification is detected. If user answers [N]o,
the unsaved modification in the current file will be abandoned.
At any point, user may press [Esc] key to cancel the request.
FUNCTION <NextFile> [F10]
When editing multiple files, this function will move to the next file in the
File Ring and then present that file as the current file.
Before leaving the current file, NJStar would check to see if the current
file is modified. User needs to confirm whether or to save the current file
if any unsaved modification is detected. If user answers [N]o, the unsaved
modification in the current file will be abandoned. However, before entering
an answer, user may press [Esc] to cancel the request.
FUNCTION <PrevFile> [Alt + F10]
When editing multiple files, this function will move to the previous file in
the File Ring and then present that file as the current file. (Please see
FUNCTION <FileList> [Shift + F10]
When editing multiple files, this function will display a pop-up menu with
all file names in the current File Ring. The current file name will be
listed as the first item and others listed in the order of the File Ring.
User may select any file from the list, without changing the order of the
File Ring.
When the list displays, user may use the cursor key to select an file name,
and then press [Return] to move to that file. Or, user may use the mouse
cursor to point to the file name and then click the left button once to
select the file. User may also press [Esc] to select no file and go back to
the current file. Otherwise, when a file is selected, NJStar will check the
modification in the current file. If there is any unsaved modification, the
system will ask the user to save the file if necessary. (Please see
If there is no Chinese character at the bottom line waiting to be selected,
mouse user may also point the mouse cursor at the middle section of the
bottom line and then click the left button once to invoke this function.
FUNCTION <RenameFile> [F7]
This function will rename the current file to a user specified name, without
saving it immediately.
The program will prompt user to enter the new file name. User may enter a
valid file name, with drive name and full path if necessary. NJStar would
prompt the user to confirm the name if the file name exists already. User
could always cancel the request by pressing [Esc] key.
FUNCTION <SaveFile> [F2]
This function will save the current file to disk, under its current file
name. If NJStar is configured to produce .BAK file when save file, it will
procedure a .BAK file before saving.
If disk is full or the file is read only, an error message will be displayed
on the bottom line.
FUNCTION <SaveAs> [Ctrl + F3]
This function will save the current file with a user specified file name to
disk, without changing the current file name.
The program will prompt user to enter a file name. User could always cancel
the request by pressing [Esc] key. If the file name is duplicated with that
of an existing file, NJStar will confirm with user for the file name again,
but it will not produce a .BAK file if the file name is confirmed. If disk
is full or a writing error occurred, The file will not be saved.
FUNCTION <File> [F4]
When quitting from the current file, this function will save the current file
to disk. Then, if there was only one opening file, it quits to DOS,
otherwise, it quits to the next file in the File Ring.
If disk is full or the file is READ ONLY, an error message will be displayed
on the bottom line and NJStar will stop to quit. If the disk is full, user
may change to other disk. If current editing file is READ ONLY, user may
apply <RenameFile> to rename current file to another file name, then run
<File> or <SaveFile> again.
FUNCTION <SaveAll> [Ctrl + F4]
When editing multiple files, this function will save the current file to
disk. Then, it will release all files from the File Ring and quit from
NJStar back to the DOS. If it fails to save files, it would stop to quit.
(Please see <File>.)
FUNCTION <QuitFile> [F3]
When quitting from the current file, this function will permit user to quit
the current file without saving. However, if the current file has been
modified, user needs to confirm if user wants or not to save the file. Press
[Y] for keeping modification, or [N] to quit for sure. After that, if there
was only one opening file, it quits to DOS, otherwise, it quits to the next
file in the File Ring.
FUNCTION <QuitAll> [Ctrl + F3]
When editing multiple files, this function will permit user to quit the
current file without saving. However, if the current file has been modified,
user may need to confirm if user wants to save the file. (Please see
This section describes NJStar's cursor movement functions. Some of them are
located under "Search/Move" in the top menu.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor to any position in the screen, except
the top line, and then click the left button once to relocated the cursor in
the current screen.
FUNCTION <CursorLeft> [LEFT]
This function will move the cursor to the previous character, if the cursor
is on the beginning of the current line, the cursor will move to the end of
the previous line. If the cursor is on the top left of the screen, the
screen display will scroll up one line.
FUNCTION <CursorRight> [RIGHT]
This function will move the cursor to the next character, if the cursor is on
the end of the current line, the cursor will move to the beginning of the
next line. If the cursor is on the bottom right of the screen, the screen
display will scroll down one line.
FUNCTION <CursorUp> [UP]
This function will move the cursor one line up. A line here is a line shown
on the screen, not a hard line. If the cursor is on the top line of the
current screen, the screen display will scroll up one line.
FUNCTION <CursorDown> [DOWN]
This function will move the cursor one line down. If the cursor is on the
bottom line of the current screen, the screen display will scroll down one
This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the current screen
This function will move the cursor to the end of the current screen line.
FUNCTION <WordLeft> [Ctrl + LEFT]
This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the current word. In
NJStar, all Chinese Characters, ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and
underscore (_) are handled as elements of a word. Other characters,
including Chinese punctuation, are considered as word separators.
FUNCTION <WordRight> [Ctrl + RIGHT]
This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the next word. (Please
see <WordLeft>.)
FUNCTION <BegScreen> [Ctrl + UP] or [Ctrl + A]
This function will move the cursor to the top left of the current screen. If
the cursor is at that position already, it will do nothing.
FUNCTION <EndScreen> [Ctrl + DOWN] or [Ctrl + Z]
This function will move the cursor to the bottom left of the current screen.
If the cursor is at that position already, it will do nothing.
This function will move the cursor to the bottom line of the previous screen,
then display a new screen. If the current screen is the top screen, it will
do nothing.
This function will move the cursor to the top line of the next screen, then
display a new screen. If the current screen is the last screen, it will do
Mouse user may also point the mouse cursor at any position in the current
screen, except the top line, then click the left button twice to move the
cursor one page down.
FUNCTION <BegFile> [Ctrl + HOME]
This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the file, and
redisplay the screen if necessary. If the cursor is at the beginning of the
file, it will do nothing.
FUNCTION <EndFile> [Ctrl + END]
This function will move the cursor to the end of the file, and redisplay the
screen if necessary. If the cursor is at the end of the file, it will do
FUNCTION <ScrollUp> [Alt + UP] or [Ctrl + U]
This function will scroll the screen display up one line at one time, until
the beginning of the file.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor at any position of the current screen,
except the top line, and then drag the mouse up to scroll the screen up.
FUNCTION <ScrollDown> [Alt + DOWN] or [Ctrl + D]
This function will scroll the screen display down one line at one time, until
the end of the file.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor at any position of the current screen,
except the top line, and then drag the mouse down to scroll the screen down.
FUNCTION <GotoLine> [Ctrl + F6]
This function will move the cursor to a user specified line and then
redisplay the screen if necessary. A line here is a hard line.
When NJStar asks for line number, user may response one of the following:
Line # Results
====== ====================================================
100 Go to the 100th line
+50 Forward to 50 lines from the current line
-20 Backward to 50 lines from the current line
$ Go to the end of the file
9999 When line number exceeded, go to the end of the file
This section describes NJStar's basic editing commands. Please see the next
two sections for Search/Replace and Block Operations. Some functions listed
below can be found under "Editing Function" in the main menu.
This function will insert a [Return] character in the end of the current line
and then move the cursor to the beginning of the next new line.
This function is also used for accepting user input in the many cases, such
as search strings, file names, printing variables, etc.
FUNCTION <HardReturn> [GREYENTER] or [Shift + ENTER]
This function will enter a [Return] character in the search string. The
display of the [Return] character depends on user's setting of the End of
Line symbol. The default is ASCII character 20.
In some Chinese input modes, such as "DianBao", this function may be used for
selecting the first character in the bottom line.
For other situations, this function is the same as <Enter>.
FUNCTION <Space> [SpaceBar]
This function will enter a space character into the current file. If the
system is in non-Pure-Chinese mode, it is an ASCII space character,
otherwise, it would be two ASCII space characters.
When the bottom line has Chinese characters waiting to be selected, this
function may be used to for selecting the first character.
Please notice, this is not a configurable function.
This function will delete the character at the current cursor position. If
the current cursor is at the end of a line, the End of Line character, i.e.,
[Return] character, will be deleted so the next line will join to the current
FUNCTION <BackSpace> [BS]
This function will delete the character before the current cursor position.
If the current cursor is at the beginning of a line, the previous line's End
of Line character will be deleted so the current line will join to the
previous line.
FUNCTION <DelLine> [Ctrl + BS]
This function will delete the current screen line, including the End of Line
FUNCTION <DelToBegLine> [Ctrl + J]
This function will delete all characters up to the beginning of the current
screen line, not including the character at the current cursor position. If
the cursor is at the beginning of a line, it will do nothing.
FUNCTION <DelToEndLine> [Ctrl + K] or [Ctrl + E]
This function will delete all characters from that in the current cursor
position to the end of the current screen line, not including the End of Line
character. However, if the current line is a blank line, or the cursor is at
the end of a line, the End of Line character will be deleted.
FUNCTION <UnDelLine> [F9]
This function will recover text that is most recently deleted by any deleting
functions listed above, and insert the recovered text into the current cursor
If user continually uses one or more deleting functions, all texts deleted
continually could be recovered by this function too. However, if user
invokes any other non-deleting functions between deleting, including any
cursor moving, only the latest deleted text could be recovered.
FUNCTION <DupLine> [Ctrl + L]
This function will copy the current screen line to the next line, and then
move cursor down to the next line.
FUNCTION <TimeDate> [Ctrl + T]
This function will insert the current system date and time into the editing
screen with Chinese convention. That is, data is presented in the order of
Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, and Second.
If the system clock is not set correct, the date could be irrelevant.
FUNCTION <ToggleEOL> [Ctrl + F9]
This function will toggle the display of End of Line symbols. The symbol
character and the initial display status can be defined with NJCONFIG.EXE.
The default symbol is ASCII character 20, and the default display status is
FUNCTION <FileStatus> [Ctrl + F1]
This function will display the status of the current file, such as file size,
number of Chinese characters, and number of hard lines, at the bottom line.
The current cursor position, in terms of line and column, is also displayed.
With NJCONFIG.EXE, user may specify whether to display the cursor position in
hard line or screen line. The default is to display it in hard line. For a
slow machine, it is suggested to display it in screen line.
FUNCTION <WordCount> [Ctrl + F5]
This function will count the frequency of a user specified string, at the
area beginning from the current cursor position to the end of the file. The
counting result will be displayed at the bottom line.
The system will prompt user for a string to be counted when this function is
invoked. The string may be any type of text that would appear in the file.
When entering a string, user may use any relevant input method to input
Chinese or other characters. If this function, or any one of searching
functions, is called earlier, the system will prompt with the previously
entered string. In this case, user may press [Ctrl + BackSpace] to clear
the prompted string, or use arrow keys, [Del], and [Backspace] to edit the
string. When ready, user may press [Return] key to accept the string. (The
<HardReturn> key is used to enter the End of Line symbol in the string.) Or,
if necessary, user may press [Esc] key at any time to cancel the counting
This section describes NJStar's Search and Replace functions. All of them
are located under "Search/Move" in the top menu.
FUNCTION <Search> [F5]
This function will search a user specified string, beginning from the current
cursor position and towards the end of the file. When the first match string
is found, the cursor will be relocated to the beginning of the string and the
screen may be redisplayed if necessary. If no match string found, a message
will be displayed at the bottom line.
The string to be searched may be any type of text that would appear in the
text file. Please see <WordCount> for entering the search string.
FUNCTION <SearchForward> [Ctrl + F]
This function will search a string that user entered previously, beginning
from the current cursor position and towards the end of the file. If the
first match string is found, the cursor will be relocated to the beginning of
the string and the screen may be redisplayed. If no match string found, a
message will be displayed at the bottom line.
Please notice, if there is no previously entered string, this function would
prompt user for a search string. Please see <WordCount> for entering the
FUNCTION <SearchBackward> [Ctrl + B]
This function will search a string, beginning from the character prior of the
current cursor position towards the beginning of the file. If the first
match string is found, the cursor will be relocated to the beginning of the
string and the screen may be redisplayed. If no match string found, a
message will be displayed at the bottom line.
With NJCONFIG.EXE, user may set up this function to accept user input for a
search string or not to do so. If user input is expected, or if there is no
previously entered string, user may enter a search string at the prompt.
Please see <WordCount> for entering the string.
FUNCTION <SearchReplace> [F6]
This function will search for a user specified string and replace it with
another user specified string, in the area beginning from the current cursor
position and towards the end of the file. The system will prompt user for
both search string and replace string separately. Similar to other search
functions, if previous entered search or replace string exists, it will
prompt with those strings. Please see <WordCount> for entering the string.
After accepting user input, the system starts to search for the search
string. If a match string is found, the cursor will be relocated to the
beginning of the string and the screen may be redisplayed. Then, the
following prompt is displayed at the bottom line:
Replace: (Yes/No/Go/Only/Quit)?
Here, user may enter one of initial characters to direct the operation.
Those options are:
[Y]es - Replace this string and then continue to search for the
next one.
[N]o - Do not replace this string, but continue to search for
the next one.
[G]o - Replace all match strings found until the end of the
file, without asking for confirmation again.
[O]nly - Replace this string only and then stop the operation.
[Q]uit - Don't replace anything and stop the operation.
The system will report the result at the bottom line. Or, if no match string
found, a message will be displayed at bottom line too.
FUNCTION <Replace>
This function will carry out Search and Replacement automatically, that is,
without user confirmation. It is mainly designed for using in Macros. No
default key is assigned to this function.
This section describe NJStar's block manipulating functions. Those
functions, except <SaveBlock>, are located under "Block Operation" in the
main menu. <SaveBlock> is located under "File" in the main menu.
FUNCTION <MarkBlock> [Alt + B]
A block here is a segment of file that is deliberately marked in order to be
processed separately. This function will mark the character in the current
cursor position as the start or end of a block. Mouse user may click the
right button once to set the mark.
Generally, user needs to use this function twice in order to identify a
segment of file as a block. When a block is marked, it will be displayed in
reverse video and/or different color. User may change the block display
style with NJCONFIG.EXE.
Only one block at a time can be recognized by NJStar. Thus, after a block is
marked, it is possible for user to use <MarkBlock> function again and again
at different locations in order to change the scope of the current block.
When switch to another file, the block mark will be released automatically.
FUNCTION <MarkLine> [Alt + L]
This function will mark current screen line as the start or end of a block.
If a block exists, this function will change the scope of the current block.
Mouse user may double click the right button to run this function.
FUNCTION <UnMarkBlock> [Alt + U]
This function will release the current block by unmarking it. Mouse user may
click the left and right button at the same time to invoke this function.
FUNCTION <MoveBlock> [Alt + M]
This function will move the current block to the location immediately before
the current cursor position. The block mark will stay with the block.
This function can't move a block from one opened file to another one.
FUNCTION <CopyBlock> [Alt + C]
This function will copy the current block to the location immediately before
the current cursor position. Meanwhile, the block mark will be released from
the original location, moving to the newly copied text.
If there is no block defined in the current file, it will restore the content
in the internal block buffer, stored by either <Copy> or <DelBlock>.
This function can be used to copy a marked block from one opened file to
another one, although the block mark disappears before leaving the first
FUNCTION <Copy> [Ctrl + W]
This function will store the current block into the internal block buffer.
Then, the block mark will be released. The stored block can be released by
<Paste>. Thus, user may use this pair of functions to exchange text between
FUNCTION <Paste> [Alt + Y]
This function will restore the content in the internal block buffer in the
location immediately before the current cursor position. The restored text
is marked as a block.
Since this function is to restore the content of the internal block buffer,
it actually can restore the content of deleted block, or copy the latest
marked block in a file.
FUNCTION <DelBlock> [Alt + D]
This function will delete the current marked block, and store it in the
internal block buffer. The deleted block can be recovered with <UnDelBlock>,
<Paste> or <CopyBlock>. Only the latest deleted block can be recovered.
FUNCTION <UnDelBlock> [Alt + F9]
This function will recover a block deleted lately, in the location
immediately before the current cursor position. The recovered block will be
displayed is marked as a block.
Since this function is to restore the content of the internal block buffer,
it actually can restore the content of stored block by <Copy>, or copy the
latest marked block in a file.
FUNCTION <GotoBlock> [Ctrl + G]
This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the marked block, and
then the screen will be redisplayed.
FUNCTION <SaveBlock> [Alt + W]
This function will save a block to a file, with a user specified file name.
The default file name is that for the current file. User may enter a file
name, with the drive name and full path if necessary. If the file name given
by user exists, the system will ask user to confirm the name in order to
avoid accidentally overwriting the file. However, if a file name confirmed
by user, NJStar will still produce a .BAK file for the overwritten file.
This section describes NJStar's functions related to inputting Chinese
characters. NJStar supports all 6763 GB characters, which is divided into
two classes, 3755 for Class One (GuoBiao code: B0A1-D7FE) and 3008 for Class
Two (GuoBiao code: D8A1-F7FE). User may use CCFONT.EXE to add more
characters if necessary.
FUNCTION <SwitchCCLIB> [Ctrl + F10]
This function will toggle NJStar's display style between simplified
characters (JianTiZi) and traditional characters (FanTiZi). The initial
display style can be set by user with NJCONFIG.EXE.
NJStar uses standard GB code for the file, no matter which display style is.
Therefore, user may choice at any time to display a file in a preferred style
without re-entering the text. CCLIB.16 is the font file of simplified
characters, and CCLIBF.16 is that of traditional characters. Please also be
aware that some simplified characters may represent for more than one
traditional characters. Therefore, please pay attention to select correct
characters if user wants to input in simplified characters and output in
traditional characters.
FUNCTION <PureChinese> [Alt + F9]
This function will toggle NJStar's PureChinese and Non-PureChinese input
mode. In PureChinese mode, a sign of "PureChinese" will be posted to the
right end of the bottom line. The initial input mode can be set by user with
There is no difference for Chinese characters input under either mode. For
all ASCII characters, in PureChinese mode, they are mapped into PureChinese
counterparts. For instance, an ASCII period, a dot, is mapped to a Chinese
period, a small circle. However, some ASCII characters are of different
presentations in PureChinese mode. For instance, an ASCII star, [*], will be
mapped to a Chinese Star.
This function only affects those ASCII characters to be input. Those
previously input ASCII characters will stay at their original style.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor to the right end of the bottom line and
click the left button once to invoke this function.
FUNCTION <PYInput> [Alt + F5]
This function will set NJStar's input method to PinYin. When entering PinYin
mode, the left end of the bottom line will display a sign of "PinYin." With
PinYin input method, lower case letter keys are used to input PinYin code.
All upper case letter keys and other ASCII keys may be entered into the
editing screen. Please notice that [,], [.], [SpaceBar] and all number keys
[1..0] are used to assign the input and select Chinese characters, when there
are Chinese characters in the bottom line waiting to be selected.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor at the left end of the bottom line and
click the left button once, to toggle between PinYin and ASCII input mode.
NJStar accepts the standard PinYin codes, together with the tone codes, for
Chinese characters. The standard for PinYin codes is specified in Han Yu Pin
Yin Fang An. The tones codes are: 1 for the first tone, 2 for the second, 3
for the third, 4 for the fourth, and 5 for none. See the following sentence
for example.
[EXAMPLE] ─╧ = nan2 ╝½ = ji2 ╨╟ = xing1 ╩╟ = shi4
╬╥ = wo3 ╧▓ = xi3 ░« = ai4 ╡─ = de5
╓╨ = zhong1 ╬─ = wen2 ╬─ = wen2 ╩Θ = shu1
┤ª = chu4 └φ = li3 ╧╡ = xi4 ═│ = tong3
Please notice, in NJStar, "ü" is presented as "uu." For instance, ┼« is coded
as "luu3."
After a complete code (PinYin + Tone) is entered, NJStar will display all
match characters at the bottom line. Generally, those often used characters
would appear before those less often used ones. Thus the Class One
characters will come before the Class Two characters. User may use
[SpaceBar] to select the first character, or use a number key, to select any
desired character. If there are more than 10 match characters, user may use
[>] or [<] key to flip through the list, and then select a character in the
same way. User may enter [Esc] to cancel the current code, if necessary.
If a character is selected, it will enter into the editing screen.
Meanwhile, if this character has no any LianXiang, the bottom will not be
changed. Otherwise, the bottom line will display all LianXiang characters or
LianXiang words for it. In the latter case, the bottom line will display a
"LianXiang" sign, in the right side of the input method sign. User may
select a character or a word from the list, in the same way as with that for
selecting match characters for PinYin code. A LianXiang characters or the
last character in a LianXiang word can bring up more LianXiang in turn, if
any. User may enter [Esc] to clear the bottom line, or entering a new PinYin
code if necessary.
By default, NJStar will dynamically adjust the PinYin dictionary every time
user selects a character. That is, if a selected character is in Class One
of GB table, it will be automatically moved to the beginning position of the
characters list. Thus, when user selects the same character again later, it
will appear at the first location of the list so that user may easily press
[SpaceBar] to select it. However, user may also disable this feature with
NJCONFIG.EXE so that all characters would appear at a fixed location every
time user selects it.
If user don't want to get LianXiang characters, or don't want to change the
current list order, user may press [Alt] + number key to select a desired
character. Meanwhile, because [,], [.], and [SpaceBar] keys are used to
select characters, user may enter [Alt + ,], [Alt + .], or [Alt] +
[SpaceBar] when there is characters at the bottom line waiting to be input.
For Windows user, please specify [Alt + SpaceBar] as an application
reserved key if possible. (See Windows Manual for more about reserving keys
for applications.) Otherwise, user needs to press [Esc] to clear the bottom
line before entering a space character.
Quite often, before a complete code is entered, user may found that a desired
character has shown in the bottom line already. At this point, NJStar is
still waiting for a complete code. If user prefers not to finish the code,
user may still press [Alt] + number key to select the character. In this
case, NJStar will still give its LianXiang characters or words at the bottom
line, if any. However, the order of the character list will not be adjusted.
Sometimes, a character may have many LianXiang characters. To select a
desired word from a long list is still quite time-consuming. In this case,
NJStar provides an intelligent way to assist selecting characters from
LianXiang list. That is, user may keep enter the code for the next
character, if the desired character is of LianXiang for the previous
character, it will appear at the beginning part of the list. For instance,
to enter the word ╓╨╤º, user first enter "zhong1" for ╓╨, after user picks up
this character, instead of using [>] to flip through the list, user may
simply enter "xue" for the next character. Then, NJStar will display ѧ at
the very beginning of the list so that user can easily pick up it by pressing
Another approach to input a LianXiang word is to enter codes for the first
two characters together. For instance, if user want to input a word ╓╨╨─,
user may enter "zhongxin" directly. Then, NJStar will find out all word
matching the code of "zhongxin" and display them at the bottom line. User
may select a LianXiang word in the same way as with that for selecting a
character mentioned earlier. Please notice, if the codes of LianXiang word
would be confused when being put together, such as "xi" and "an", user may
need to use a ['] to separate them. So, codes for the word ╬≈░▓ is "xi'an."
Alternatively, user may use the tone code as a separator, such as "xi1an."
At PinYin mode, user may enter some special characters by using following
pseudo PinYin:
va1-va5 -- Chinese symbols and Chinese Numbers
ve1-ve2 -- ASCII characters in PureChinese style
vi1-vi5 -- Table drawing Characters
NJStar also provides a handy way for quick input of Chinese number and units.
That is, when the first letter of the PinYin is 'i', the following letters or
numbers will be mapped to a Chinese characters according to the following
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
For example, if user input the follow string as a PinYin code,
The bottom line will appear the following display,
FUNCTION <LianXiang> [Alt + X]
This function will provide a list of LianXiang characters and words, if any,
for the character immediately before the current cursor position.
This function can be used at any time with PinYin input method. Whenever
this function is called, any input at the bottom line will be replaced by the
new LianXiang characters and words.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor at the bottom line, at the location
where "LianXiang" sign would be posted, to invoke this function.
FUNCTION <AddLX> [Ctrl + F8]
This function will add a user specified string to the LianXiang dictionary,
for the first character in the string. User should mark the string in order
to specify it. The block mark will be released after the string has been
added to the dictionary. Only Class One characters can have LianXiang words.
The number of LianXiang word for each character is not limited. A single
LianXiang word can be as long as 40 Chinese characters. And the size of
LianXiang dictionary can be as large as 73K.
For instance, if user finds that a often-used word "donghu" is not in the
dictionary, user may decide to add this word to the dictionary. Thus, user
first uses <MarkBlock> to mark the string as a block. Then, user may call
<AddLX> function to add the string.
FUNCTION <DelLX> [Alt + F8]
This function will remove a user specified string out from the LianXiang
dictionary. The operation of <DelLX> is similar as with that of <AddLX>.
Since the size of LianXiang dictionary is limited, user may delete those
unwanted words so that more user-specified words can be added.
FUNCTION <SaveDic> [Ctrl + F2]
This function will save NJStar's PinYin and LianXiang dictionaries to the
disk so that the change in both files can be kept for later user.
With NJCONFIG.EXE, registered user may also set NJStar to save those two
files automatically.
FUNCTION <GBinput> [Alt + F4]
This function will set NJStar's input method to GuoBiao. When using GuoBiao
method, the left end of the bottom line will display a "GuoBiao" sign. With
GuoBiao method, lower case letter keys [a]-[f] and number keys [0]-[9] are
used to input a GuoBiao code. All other keys can be used to input into the
editing screen.
GuoBiao is one of major supplemental input methods in NJStar. The file
GUOBIAO.DOC lists out all valid GuoBiao codes and the corresponding
characters. When entering a GuoBiao code, user need to completely input all
four code letters. After that, the character will be entered into the
editing screen directly. If this character has any LianXiang characters and
words, they will be displayed at the bottom line. User may select any
character from them, or enter another GuoBiao code directly.
FUNCTION <QWinput> [Alt + F3]
This function will set NJStar's input method to QuWeiMa. When using QuWeiMa
method, the left end of the bottom line will display a "QuWeiMa" sign. With
QuWeiMa method, only number keys are used to input a QuWeiMa codes. All
other keys can be used to enter into the editing screen.
QuWeiMa is one of major supplemental input methods in NJStar. The file
QUWEIMA.DOC lists out all valid QuWeiMa codes and the corresponding
characters. When entering a QuWeiMa code, NJStar starts to display the match
characters after two out of four code numbers are entered. The list will be
trimmed down along with more code numbers are entered, until the code is
completed and the character will be entered at the editing screen directly.
Thus, before a complete code is entered, user is still able to select a
desired character with [Alt] + number key.
After a character is selected, NJStar will display the LianXiang characters
and words for it, if any. User may select any character from them by pressing
[ALT]+number, or enter another QuWeiMa code directly. When entering next
QuWeiMa code, the LianXiang words will be cleared automatically.
FUNCTION <ASCinput> [Alt + F6]
This function will set NJStar's input method to ASCII. When using ASCII
method, the left end of the bottom line will display a "ASCII" sign. The file
name, size, and cursor position are displayed at the bottom line. The "*"
sign in front of "Bytes" indicates the current file has been modified since
it is opened or since last time it was saved.
Mouse user may point the mouse cursor at the left side of the bottom line and
click the left button once, to toggle between PinYin and ASCII input mode.
ASCII mode is used to enter all keyboard characters, plus the extended ASCII
character 128-160. To enter those characters, user needs to press [Alt] key
down, at the same time, enter the corresponding ASCII code with the numerical
keys at the keypad. For instance, to enter [ü], user should press [Alt] key
while entering [1], [2], [9] with the keys at the numerical keypad. After
that, user releases [Alt] key and the character will enter the editing screen
directly. ASCII character 1-31 are displayed as if a space characters,
although they are not a space character in nature.
FUNCTION <EXInput> [Alt + F2]
This function will let user to select one of the following input methods as
listed at the bottom line,
a. WuHua Coded with number 1-5 for five basic strokes.
╬σ╗« Maximum length of codes is 5 numbers. Use keypad
numerical keys for code inputting.
b. WuBiZiXing Coded with letter a-y for a classification of
╬σ▒╩╫╓╨╬ radicals. Maximum length of codes is 4 letters.
Use standard letter keys for code inputting.
c. CangJi Coded with letter a-y for a classification of
▓╓≥í radicals. Maximum length of codes is 6 letters.
Use standard letter keys for code inputting.
(For FanTiZi Only, See k. for JianTiZi CangJi code)
d. DianBao Uniquely coded with number 1-9 according to the
╡τ▒¿ DianBao Coding Table. The length of codes is 4
numbers. Use keypad numerical keys for code
e. SortPinYin Similar with standard PinYin, with abbreviations
╝≥╗»╞┤╥⌠ found in CCDOS and without tone codes. The maximum
length of codes is 3 letters. Use standard letter
keys for code inputting.
f. PurePinYin Similar with PinYin, without tone codes. The
┤┐╞┤╥⌠ maximum length of codes is 6 letters. Use standard
letter keys for code inputting.
g. YinYi Coded with letter a-z, first in PinYin and then in a
╥⌠╥Γ classification of meanings. The maximum length of
codes is 6 letters. Use standard letter keys for
code inputting.
h. ShouWei Coded with letter a-z for a classification of
╩╫╬▓ radicals. Maximum length of codes is 2 letters.
Use standard letter keys for code inputting.
i. Cantonese Coded with letter a-z according to Fung-Fung Lee's
╘┴╙∩ Cantonese Romanization Proposals. Use standard
letter keys for code inputting.
j. Japanese Similar with Pure PinYin. With a PinYin code, it
╚╒╙∩ will bring up Japanese Hiragana and Katakana before
Chinese characters. Use standard letter keys for
code inputting.
k. JianCang Coded with letter a-y for a classification of
▓╓≥í radicals. Maximum length of codes is 6 letters.
Use standard letter keys for code inputting.
(For JianTiZi Only, See c. for FanTiZi CangJi code)
l-z User defined input methods
Those input methods have their own strength and weakness. Some users have
known some of them. Therefore, this manual will not go to details for them.
(The Chinese version of NJStar manual for registered users contains some
details for them.)
One of NJStar's outstanding features is to allow users to implement their own
favor input methods by constructing a input dictionary with NJStar. Once the
dictionary, a GB file in nature, is finished, user may use NJStar's utility
program, INPUTDIC.EXE, to convert the dictionary into NJStar's input
dictionary so that a new input method will be added to NJStar. For more
details, see INPUTDIC.DOC.
(This manual continues at NJSTAR2.DOC.)